Our Services
Are you a business who don’t want to squander your money on a bad hire?
If you answered yes, then allow us, Reboot Hiring, to work with you in avoiding the financial and operational costs associated with bad hires. We can assist you with making informed hiring decisions and finding the “right” candidates who are aligned with your company’s needs, goals, and values.

Are you a business who want high performance, high productivity, and higher retention?
If you answered, yes, then allow us, Reboot Hiring, to team up with you in designing a work environment that will stimulate employees to become extraordinary. Driven to engage, express, and execute with proficiency and value. If you truly want this preferred outcome, then your hiring process should no longer be conventional and transactional, but rather unfolding and transformational – encouraging authenticity, purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.
At, Reboot Hiring, we can gladly and skillfully assist you with the transformation of the most critical phases of a hiring system with the following distinctive structures:

“Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.” – Misty Copeland
Holistic Talent Assessments
- We, at Reboot Hiring, don’t do things ordinary around here. In fact, our talent assessments are not ordinary. We explore the psychology and the soul of an individual to unlock the secret code of one’s being – the secret code to understanding what, why, and how one ticks in order to move fluidly and operate in the world. We uncover their personality, attitude, conscious and unconscious motivation, authentic likes, authentic dislikes, wants, needs, fears, strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, values, potential, barriers, and emotions to provide a deeper dimension of his or her human experience.
- Why is this important? Knowing the psyche and the soul of an individual will support you with selecting the right hire, with building productive teams, with conflict resolution, with employee and employer interaction, with cultural fit, and with implementing an effective management style that encourages and extracts potential.
The Interviewing Process
- Ok, yes…we recognize we do some ordinary things around here. At, Reboot Hiring, we ask a few standard interviewing questions, but what we do unconventionally is employ NLP, spirituality, and other techniques to explore and uncover the true self and the true language of one’s mind. People can fudge and rehearse the answers to standardized interviewing questions, but you cannot fudge or rehearse the answers in which the true self will reveal.
- Why is this important? The true self will let you know who they are. The true self will let you know how they actually think, how they perceive, and how they process their environment and the world. This will give you insight as to how this person will show up and perform in your organization. After all, you don’t want anyone and everyone representing your business. Your brand is at state. Your product or service is on the line.
The Hiring Process – The Whole Kit and Caboodle
- At, Reboot Hiring, we partner with you in developing creative and strategic tactics in attracting, sourcing, recruiting, selecting, hiring, and retaining the best suitable candidate that will match your vision, mission, values, goals, culture, and brand.
- Why is this important? People who fit well in your organization will express greater job satisfaction, perform better, have better engagement, better productivity, care about your customers, care about their job, and execute their responsibilities with proficiency.
The Candidate Experience
- You want your candidates to have invaluable and memorable interactions during the entire hiring process, as well as, have a positive perception of your company’s brand. Therefore, Reboot Hiring, will join forces with you in crafting a white glove candidate experience – an experience that will make the candidate feel wanted, welcomed, valued, appreciated, respected, and most of all, special.
- Why is this important? Well…3 reasons: #1. You won’t lose the most prized and desired candidate to your competitor! #2. It permits you to find and recruit top talent to impact the success of your business. #3. It will enable you to fill the open position quickly. Hence, the longer the position is open, the longer that particular job is not getting done, the longer that particular job is not getting done, the more money it will cost you, and the more it will strain your employees in picking up the slack. A clear-cut recipe for burn-out!
- Congratulations! You have now hired your prized candidate. However, this is not the time to stop treating your new employee with the white glove service. This is not the time to put your prized employee in an empty room for a week and have them to read all your policy books. Rather, this is the time when you train your new employee, develop them, get them up to speed, acclimate them, socialize with them, and treat them as a human. This is the precise reason we, at Reboot Hiring, are devoted to assisting you with constructing a humanistic onboarding system that will make your new employee feel accepted and embraced. This will inspire them to want to stick around for a long time.
- Why is this important? The onboarding process, if done effectively, will support your new employee in becoming a productive and engaged team member. Thus, the onboarding process will give your new employee insight of how the nature and the culture of the job will be from here on out. If your new employee is not pleased with how they are being valued, they soon will be looking for another job and looking quickly! Ouch…
Attraction and Retention
- Attraction
- Like dating, in order to attract the person you are interested in, you have to woo them over, court them, seek their favor, learn their interests, cater to their likes, and become a part of their world. Well…guess what? You have to do the same to attract your desired candidates. At, Reboot Hiring, we help you strategize an intriguing attraction plan that will incite your candidates’ curiosity about your company and lure them to participate in your world.
- Why is this important? Having an engaging attraction plan will keep you at top of mind. It will foster trustworthiness and friendliness, as well as, build a positive reputation surrounding your company. Keep in mind, people do business with people they know, like, and trust.
- Retention
- Remember when we spoke earlier about The Great Resignation and the reasons why The Great Resignation took place? Reasons – the employees craved purpose, meaning, and worth in their career. Thus, the employees felt overworked, underpaid, and undervalued. Gone are the days of taking an employee for granted. They are not having it! You, as the employer, have to invest in your employees and compensate them for their worth. You have to put your employees first, create work-life balance, and provide value. In addition, you have to recognize and celebrate your employees’ contributions. You see, at Reboot Hiring, we know just how worthy your employees are. Therefore, we can assist you with developing a hospitable retention plan you can put into place immediately and make your employees feel welcomed.
- Why is this important? Having a retention plan that makes your employees feel welcomed reduces high turnover for your company, saves your company from loss of productivity, promotes higher levels of engagement for your company, and ultimately, increases revenue for your company.
Employee Experience
- Why in some organizations the employees just do the bare minimum – just enough to not get fired? The answer is simple, engagement. This word has been tossed around a lot, but it means a lot. Without engagement, the job…well the job is just a job and not a dream job. The workplace needs to become inspiring and transformational. It’s not enough to just have talented people, your talented people need a reason to join your mission, a reason to adopt your vision, a reason to stay onboard, and a reason to be involved. We, at Reboot Hiring, can support you in creating an inspiring and transformational workplace experience. We can help you develop programs that incorporate how you relate and interact with your employees with meaning, purpose, understanding, and trust; programs that incorporate initiatives that support your employees’ well-being; and in addition, programs that incorporate opportunities for your employees’ growth and development.
- Why is this important? Having an inspiring and transformational employee experience can produce ever-increasing profits for your company, sustainable growth for your company, and outstanding customer satisfaction for your company. Your employees are invaluable. Your employees are your assets. Therefore, you have to treat them as such! When you treat them as such, your employees will become loyal to you. Having loyal employees is priceless!
Team Building
- Building a team can be complicated. There are so many dynamics involved. Your team has to be in agreement with your mission and vision of the project at hand. Your team have to trust, support, and depend on each other. Your team have to accept each other’s individual differences and views. Your team have to complement one another with their strengths, personality, and attitudes. Most of all, your team have to be productive. At, Reboot Hiring, we are certified in team building and can help you form a rock star team that excels in performance and succeeds with unity!
- Why is this important? There are benefits to you as an employer, as well as, benefits to your employees. For you, the employer, having a rock star team improves greater outcomes due to collaborative problem solving. Improves efficiency and productivity due to shared responsibilities. Improves innovation due to diverse thinking. For the employees, being on a team can reduce workload which can reduce stress. Being on a team strengthens soft skills. Most of all, the team can encourage, motivate, and inspire each other to operate from their greatest potential.
Diversity & Inclusion
- Diversity & Inclusion is such a hot topic today. Businesses are finally welcoming and inviting diverse backgrounds, diverse thinking, diverse experiences, and diverse ideas to their workforce. Businesses now realize diversity can support their culture and their bottom line. Research has shown that companies who participate in Diversity & Inclusion have a greater commitment from their employees and a greater financial return. We, at Rebook Hiring, can help you develop a customized and comprehensive plan that prioritize a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace.
- Why is this important? Diversity & Inclusion can increase the possibility of you hiring A+ employees from an untapped candidate pool. Diversity & Inclusion provides broader, faster, and better problem solving strategies. Diversity & Inclusion provides broader and better perspectives of understanding and fulfilling your customer’s needs. And last but not least, Diversity & Inclusion sparks superior innovations – taking your company to newer heights.
Cultural Transformation
- Your culture can impact both your company’s reputation and your company’s operations. That’s why it is of utmost importance to screen your candidates for alignment – alignment of values, beliefs, and behaviors. Here at, Reboot Hiring, we are the authority in alignment. As mentioned earlier, we developed a signature system called – The Alignment Method™. The Alignment Method™ is designed to connect the “soul of an individual to the soul of a company.” It’s about aligning the whole person with the most fitting fulfilling position. The most fitting fulfilling position that will energize your employee to unlock his or her potential and prosper in your workplace. We, at Reboot Hiring, can help you with constructing a plan that will renew your culture and position exceptional collective minds that will reflect the sum total of who you are – your brand. Reboot Hiring is absolutely competent in helping you select the supreme fit for your culture.
- Why is this important? It improves collaboration, connection, engagement, morale, productivity, and in the long run, your bottom line.
Performance Management
- Without an effective process, without the ability to rinse and repeat, and without the ability of having a performance management system, your company will be set-up for a set-back. Here at, Reboot Hiring, we can assist you with evaluating and refining your hiring process to ensure that it remains effective and in alignment with your goals. This means collecting feedback from your employees, hiring managers, stakeholders, analyzing performance metrics, providing support and training, and making adjustments as needed.
- Why is this important? A performance management system can increase your employee morale and retention, make it easier to identify training needs, define goals and expectations, and provide ways for your employee to improve, grow, and succeed in your organization.

Our “Soulution”
Assisting you with your Hiring needs.
Reboot Hiring is not your average Human Resource Consulting Firm. We are revolutionaries. We believe people are the heart of every organization. That’s why we take a human-centric approach to talent management – focusing on the needs and aspirations of employees, as well as, the goals of the business. With our expertise guidance and holistic methods, we can help your company create a culture of empowerment, engagement, and growth that attracts and retains top talent. Let Reboot Hiring help you unleash the power of your people and build a finer, and a more remarkable human workplace. Join us in transforming how we, as businesses, must now and in the future hire talent.

Martin Luther King Jr said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about what matters.”